Buyers have been targeting top Quality Gemstones such as Paraiba Tourmaline’s , Australian Sapphires and Opals online.
Treasuresauctions report strong demand for quality gemstones with over $100,000 in sales in just 4 days during mid January according to managing director Wayne Sedawie.
Gemstone and Investment buyers have targeted top quality gemstones in January.
Gemstone sales have included a 88.26 ct Certified Paraiba Tourmaline for $30,000
A 49.59 cts Certified Paraiba Tourmaline for $16,000
Four piece Black opal set of 280 cts for $17,500
European buyers have been strong with buyers from Czech Republic buying quality gemstones and opals around $2,000 to $ 3,000 and even gold and platinum coins
Strong sales were recorded in USA, Canada, UK, Australia and Europe
Sites experienced sales to Middle East including Jordan and Iraq for the first time.
Owner of Seda Gems indicates that the internet is educating people to understand that there is more out there then just Diamonds.
Miners all over the world are not finding top gemstones as easy as they did in the past, with many mines now expensive to operate and so many Government controls adding to mining costs .
We have seen prices explode for argyle pink diamonds as they are so rare to find but in watching old documentaries in 1970 you can see prospectors picking up small pink diamonds rough in river beds but today you need to dig mines mile deep and wide to find these diamond’s .
Todays buyers are looking for quality, rarity and uniqueness in gemstones so top gems must be certified by approved gemstone laboratory.
Paraiba tourmalines have been popular with investors recently. It is important to not that Gemstone certificates are important to have with these stones as it allows the buyers to identify the origin of the stone. For example, it is useful to determine what country the gems originate from as brazil gems are worth more than gems that originate from Mozambique.
Other gemstones popular with investors include Australian Sapphires and Australian Black Opal as well as Ethiopian Opals with good patterns and uniqueness!