Buyers have been targeting top Quality Gemstones such as Paraiba Tourmaline’s , Australian Sapphires and Opals online. Treasuresauctions report strong demand for quality gemstones with over $100,000 in sales in just 4 days during mid January according to managing director Wayne Sedawie. Gemstone and Investment buyers have targeted top quality gemstones in January. Gemstone sales […]
Tag Archives: gems
People enjoy bidding on auctions with passion and zest. Bidding is a driving passion of enjoyment to try buying a bargain or winning unique items. Since online auctions started, they were immediately popular as a source of entertainment and pleasure. Today computers are logged on constantly to online auctions for buyers to strike and bid […] celebrates $10 million in online opal sales. Opal Auctions has now sold over 209,000 individual opals online for over $10 million. Buyers now have confidence in purchasing opals online as they deal direct with opal miner or wholesaler at best possible price. It wasn’t easy to start back in 2004 as there was a […]
Ebay has done more damaged to the Gemstone Industry than any other company according to wayne sedawie founder of Gemrockauctions. Honest Ebay Gemstone sellers have to compete against sellers who constantly offer inferior ,treated or man made gems as natural. Our online sites is based on Verified knowledgeable sellers and that in it self deletes […]